8 Tips For Finding the Best DJ For Your Event — elleaevents

As a planner, we know that finding vendors is an important part of the process for having a successful event. From caterers to florists to the venue, every detail counts, but what many people forget is that often times guests remember the end of the evening most.

That's why for this weeks blog, with the help of Clarissa Fonseca from Equipboard, we give you our top 8 tips for finding the very best DJ for your event. Check it out below!  

Music is extremely important for any event as it sets the mood for the type of occasion you are hosting: will it be a celebration with people dancing or a more solemn situation? Choose appropriately. Along with refreshments, music can make or break your event so it is important to hire the correct people.

For a celebration, a DJ will be a great option and I'll walk you through what to look for and what questions to ask to find the best fit for you.

First and foremost, check the budget for your event and make sure you have a price range you are comfortable with. This can help narrow down the pool that you must sift through to get to the best match for your event. However, try to keep in mind that the cheapest you can find is not always the best. Hiring an amateur DJ can cost your event dearly.

Let's get to it and go through some questions you should ask your potential DJs:

1.     Is this his/her full-time job?

You need to know if the DJ is a professional who has made a career out of it, or if it is just a hobby. You want to make sure that your DJ is an experienced performer that can read the crowd and set the mood.

2.     How does he/she plan music for each client?

It is important to know that your DJ has a system to customize each experience. The DJ should let you know if he/she needs a master list in advance and should be attentive to your requests for songs that must and must not be played.

3.     Can he/she provide a sample of blending and mixing music? Or, does he/she have a website where you can listen to one?

Mixing and blending music is an acquired skill that comes from experience. When done by a professional, you will hardly notice it. Many professional DJs have a website to provide easy access to their portfolio and music samples. If he/she does not have an online portfolio, you can ask for a demo before you commit to a contract.

4.     What kind of equipment does he/she use?

Hopefully your DJ candidate will not respond with laptop and that he/she has backup equipment. There is equipment that is industry standard and you can check out some examples:

i.  Turntable

ii. Controller

iii. DJ Headphones

iv.  Mixer (if software does not have this capability)

v. Speakers

5.     Does your DJ have a contract?

Your DJ should have a contract specifying what the his/her fee includes: How many hours are included in the fee? Who will be doing the setup? What equipment will he/she be providing and what would he/she need from the venue? A pro will definitely want to know the specifications of the venue so he/she can know what setup might look like and what might need some adjustment.

6.     Does he/she have a backup DJ and plan in case of emergency?

In case of emergencies, your DJ should have a backup for your event. If the backup DJ is not present, ask to meet him/her to make sure it is another pro and not a last-minute amateur. Your DJ should also have a plan in case something goes wrong during the event, you never know when an amp might blow out!

7.     Does he/she have liability insurance?

You want to make sure everyone will be safe in case of any equipment malfunctions or accidents. A professional will show you their liability insurance and answer any questions you might have about coverage.

8.     What does your DJ wear while performing for your type of event?

Might sound silly, but you want to make sure he/she will look professional for event. Your DJ might even have options for you to choose from (might be a tux, slacks and a nice shirt or a dress).

Armed with these questions, you should be able to at least weed out the amateur DJ's. The rest will mostly be based on your own taste and how you feel the DJ will fit in with your event.

It sounds like a lot of information but it will definitely pay off to find the right fit!



